How to Put Your Instagram Link on Your Twitter Bio

Do you want to link your Instagram profile to your Twitter bio?
You may be a business trying to boost your brand identity or increase your website ranking with an active social media presence.
You may want to drive more traffic to your Instagram page, or you may be someone simply trying to accrue more followers.
The value of interlinking your social media handles for businesses is a no-brainer.
It helps your followers to stay connected with you on multiple platforms and boost your engagement rates.
This eventually helps you to market your services regularly, create trust and authority among customers and build a formidable brand identity.
Search Engine Optimization strategies and Data Analytics reaffirm the notion that a functional virtual presence of a business helps promote a brand identity, which is important for enhancing the website’s search rankings.
If you are a casual user, staying connected with your friends and family on different platforms helps to keep stay updated of each other’s lives, which strengthens your social bond even further.
Whatever be the reason, linking your Instagram profile to your Twitter account is beneficial regardless of the nature of your account, i.e., business or casual.
Instagram does allow you to add a website to your profile but restricts it to only one.
You could still add URLs to other social media handles in the Bio, but it will not a clickable link.
This could be because Instagram is interested in keeping users engaged with their platform rather than directing them to other websites.
An alternate take on this policy is that Instagram forces a visitor to click on it, as it is the only link on the page.
This enables driving more concentrated traffic to one website.
This is especially a useful option for promoting a professional website/portfolio.
Twitter, on the other hand, is more liberal with its platform.
It allows the user to promote multiple websites either by adding them to your profile or by tweeting an embedded link.
This is especially useful for promoting multiple businesses.
You can simply tweet to your followers to check out your Instagram profile with an embedded link.
Read on to learn how to link to your Instagram profile from Twitter.
How to Put Your Instagram Link on Your Twitter Bio?
- Get the Instagram link to your profile.
2. Log in to your Twitter account
3. Click on Edit your profile
4. Paste your Instagram link in the bio section
Follow this guide for a detailed step-wise tutorial on putting your Instagram link on your Twitter bio.
Get the Instagram link to your profile
The Instagram username is a unique text used to identify your account.
It is mandatory to set a username when you create an account, as it is the means by which other users find you on the platform. It is visible on the top of your profile.
The Instagram link to your profile will resemble the following format:
You can simply add your username to the URL to obtain the link to your profile.
For example,
If you are unsure about your username and would like to get a link from your profile, the following steps will help you get the link easily.
If you are using your desktop, go to Log in to your Instagram account with your credentials.
Once you land on the homepage, you can see a menu bar on the top of the page containing the “Instagram” title, search bar and six other icons.
Click on the profile photo, which is the last icon on the menu bar.
Select Profile
The username is the first line of text on your profile preceding the Edit Profile button.
Affix it to the site address, to obtain the link to your profile.
Else, copy the website URL from the address bar of the browser.
If you are using Instagram app:
It is a bit trickier when using the app since there is no straightforward way to get your link.
Launch the Instagram app.
Enter your login information.
First, tap your profile picture in the bottom right of the screen. This will take you to your profile.
On the top right, press the three horizontal lines icon.
Select QR code. This will open a page with your QR code of the link to your profile.
Select the Share icon featured in the top right corner and press Copy.
Voila! You have your Instagram link.
Login to your Twitter account
If you are using Twitter website:
Go to and enter your login credentials.
You will land on the homepage of Twitter.
Navigate to the left sidebar menu on the page. You will be able to see a vertical list of multiple settings.
Click on Profile.
If you are using Twitter App:
Launch the Twitter App and enter your login credentials.
You will land on your Twitter homepage. On the top left, click on your profile photo.
A sidebar will slide in from the left with multiple settings.
Click/Tap on Profile.
Click on edit your profile
You can see the “Edit profile” button on the same line as your username right below your Twitter banner. Click on it.
On the following page, you can see the tab Bio under the tab Name.
Bio is a short summary (max 160 characters) of yourself visible on your profile under your name.
You can add a compelling description that helps woo potential followers.
It supports texts, links, emojis and more.
Adding a link to other social media websites helps your followers connect with you on multiple platforms.
Paste your Instagram link in the bio section
Paste the Instagram link in the Bio section.
You can also add multiple links or accompany it with a short text about yourself.
Click Save.
Bingo! You have added your Instagram profile to your Twitter Bio.
Your followers and potential followers will be able to find you on Instagram.
Alternate ways of displaying your Instagram link
The method illustrated above is not the only one to add the link to your profile.
Here are two other alternative ways:
Website Section:
Repeat Step 1: Get the Instagram Link to your profile, and Step 2: Go to Twitter, as illustrated above.
After clicking on Edit Profile as per Step 3, move to the following page.
Navigate to the fourth tab, titled Website. It is right below Location.
You can paste the link into this section. This will appear as a separate link on your profile and not as a part of your bio.
Pasting the link in the Website section is an alternate way to display the link to your Instagram profile to your Twitter visitors and followers.
There is yet another way to link to Instagram. Twitter is versatile in that manner.
You could always tweet about it!
Promotion tweet:
Once you are logged in on Twitter, you can see a small blue circle with a white plus sign on the bottom right. This button is used to create a new tweet.
Click on the icon and select Tweet.
A new page is opened with the placeholder text, “What’s happening?”.
You can then paste the link to your Instagram profile and probably add a line asking followers to follow you on Instagram.
Additionally, adding an engaging description on why followers need to connect with you on Instagram, too, would help in accruing more traffic to your Instagram page.
Click on Tweet to publish it to your profile.
Press back to go back to your profile.
You will find your most recent tweet at the top of your Tweets tab.
Navigate to the tweet containing your Instagram promotion.
Press the three vertical dots on the right side of your tweet next to the date of your tweet.
This opens up additional options.
Click on Pin to profile. This helps to pin the tweet to the top of your profile. All your followers will then be able to see the pinned tweet first.
This method helps you avoid burying this tweet in your profile when you add new tweets.
You’ve successfully added your Instagram information to your Twitter profile.
Frequently asked Questions
How to get the link to my Instagram profile?
The URL format of your Instagram profile is
If you are using the desktop version,
- Login and Go to your profile
- Highlight the URL in the address bar of the browser. Copy it.
If you are using Instagram app:
- Login and got to your profile.
- Click on the three horizontal lines icon on the top menu bar.
- Select QR code > Share > Copy
How to post my Instagram link on Twitter bio?
If using the Twitter app:
- Launch Twitter app and enter credentials.
- Click on the profile photo in the top left corner
- Select Profile > Edit Profile > Bio
- Paste the Instagram URL on the Bio section.
If using the desktop version:
- Go to
- Enter credentials.
- Select the icon resembling a person, right above the three horizontal dots icon.
- Select Edit profile > Bio
- Paste the link in the bio
How to remove a link from Twitter Bio?
Select Profile > Edit Profile > Bio on your Twitter account. Edit your bio information by cutting the link.
If you have added it to the Website section, remove it from there.
Else, if you have tweeted it and pinned it, you can unpin the tweet by repeating the steps for pinning it. Or you could simply delete the tweet.
Why should I link my social media handles?
If you are a business, you must know social media analytics point out that an active social presence predominantly helps boost brand image.
It also increases engagement, establishes authority, improves website search rankings and drives more traffic to your services.
If you are a casual user, linking all social handles helps your social circle people to find you across all the platforms.
It helps you to keep in touch with one and another on social media.
It also helps you build a sense of community in the virtual environment.
Some platforms allow users to simultaneously post on all linked accounts, helping you maintain an active presence across multiple platforms with minimal effort.
Overall, linking your social media accounts can benefit you by augmenting your virtual presence.
Final Thoughts
You must now have a clear idea to link your Instagram profile to your Twitter profile.
Adding a link to your Twitter profile helps people connect with you on Instagram, too, without the hassle of asking you for your username.
Linking your social media handles will help you boost your brand identity, accrue more followers and stay connected with your audience.
What are you waiting for?
Go to Instagram now. Or, if you have your Instagram URL already, launch Twitter.